How To Lay Turf Part 3: Installing The Lawn

29th Nov 2018

Apply a starter fertiliser to your soil

Once you have a reasonable amount of underlay levelled (we recommend 100mm), apply a starter fertiliser such as Lawn Launcher, this will encourage deeper root growth and really support your lawn in the establishment phase.

Start laying turf around the perimeter

If you are laying your turf on a slope, start at the bottom. Place your slabs of turf around the perimeter of the area and lay between the perimeter. Stagger the joints in a brickwork fashion to avoid erosion and butt the turf closely together to avoid gaps – this is where your turf can dry out and cause a patchy lawn.

Don’t throw turf offcuts away

When cutting is required use a sharp knife of shears, but don’t throw these off cuts away. When you have finished laying you will probably find there are a few unusual spaces to fill and these bits are perfect for that.

Water your new lawn as soon as possible

Water as soon as possible. If you are laying a large lawn, try and water as you go – especially on a hot day. If you have access to a roller, we recommend rolling the lawn to ensure good root contact with the soil.